Stop struggling

Get your website started with my free planning guide

Kerry A Thompson - Free Planning Guide

The hardest part of building a new website is getting started. That’s why my clients and I always plan the website pages first by answering questions like these:

  • What do I need people to learn from my website?

  • How many pages do I need?

  • What does each page need to explain?

Taking time for planning makes writing the website content much easier. To help you get your website started, I’ve written Organize Your Website in Three Steps, which guides you through answering these questions for yourself.

Get help figuring out…

Squarespace and other DIY builders encourage you to dive in and create your site, but the truth is that you should decide how many pages your website needs first.

I’ve distilled the key planning points into three simple steps. And I’m sharing them with you so you can get a jump on your new website. The world needs what you have to!

  1. Your business goals.

  2. The website type that matches your goals.

  3. The types of pages your website needs.

No signup needed.

What’s next?

Work through the exercises in the guide and you’ll have a completed website plan within a week or two.

Next comes your website text and website pages designed to support your message. If you’d like to get my help, contact me for a free consultation.