Kerry’s Blog

When I create websites for my clients, we work in a collaborative way so they’re learning about what websites are, how they work, and how to update them. These blog posts answer many of the questions my clients have as we work together. I hope you find this information helpful too.




Write Kerry A. Thompson Write Kerry A. Thompson

To blog or not to blog?

A blog has many benefits for increasing traffic to your website and improving SEO. But if you don’t love writing, there are alternatives.

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Write Kerry A. Thompson Write Kerry A. Thompson

Quit telling me to "submit" on your Squarespace Contact form

It's a pet peeve of mine. Website builders use the word "Submit" as the default button text on a form and I dislike seeing that word on a form I'm filling out. I might like to send you a message but I'm certainly not going to "submit" to anything. Do me, and the internet, a favor and change the default button text on your Contact forms to anything other than "Submit."

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Write Kerry A. Thompson Write Kerry A. Thompson

Creativity and focus need time and space

I read an article about a writer who resorted to renting a cabin in the woods for two days without internet service or a cell phone to reach his goal of writing 40,000 words for his upcoming book. I won't be renting a cabin in the woods anytime soon, but I think I'll take some inspiration from this article to think about unplugging at regular intervals to give myself some quiet time to allow creativity and new ideas room to grow.

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Stop struggling. Start your website.